
Let’s start! How can you register, log-in, or see user information on AMAD?

Registering to AMAD

If you have an Aalto User account you can use it to log in. If you are collaborating with Aalto researchers from an external organisation, or would like to explore AMAD, you will have to request an account at the registration page, and wait for an admin to process it.

Logging in to AMAD

It is possible to log in using the login panel in the landing page or at the login login page. If you wish to use your Aalto user credentials, click the ‘Aalto Login’ button. If you have an AMAD account instead, insert username or email and password in the panel and click ‘Login’.

After successful login, you will be redirected to your Dashboard: this is the access point to everything in the platform.

Please note that menu bar in the left-hand side will be referred as the Main Menu on this guide.

Editing user details on AMAD

The Account tab on the main menu includes a details panel and a search function. When the tab is selected, the details panel appears, showing information about the current user. Here the user can edit his/her own personal information and change your password.